iGroup Leader Sign Up

We are so excited you are interested in becoming an iGroup Leader! Take a look at our iGroup Leader Expectations, and fill out the interest form. Once Matti-Jo receives it, she will be reaching out to you!

iGroup Leader Expectations:
- Attend iTeam Trainings and Gatherings
- Prepare for and lead your weekly iGroup Meeting
- Participate in the spiritual growth elements along with your students (doing daily devotionals through the Bible App, memorizing scripture, prayer,  etc.) 
- Touch base with your group members regularly (at least one individual contact a month)
- If possible, take your group to church with you at least once a month
- Pray daily for your group members
- Check in with members who miss within 24 hours (don’t let students fall through the cracks)
- Acknowledge birthdays, accomplishments, etc.
- Visit important events (sporting events, plays, concerts, etc.)
- Organize quarterly outings with your iGroup (Sept, Oct, Nov / Dec, Jan, Feb  / Mar, April, May / June, July, Aug) *These can be done with 1-2 other groups. 
- Attend Ground Zero events
- Get to know parents, make initial contact to introduce yourself and follow up about permission slips. 
- Never be alone with 1 student of the opposite sex (car rides, outings, etc.)
- At any time a student shares a situation where they are in danger, you MUST report that to a GZ Staff Member and fill out an Imminent Danger Form in the Volunteer Greenroom IMMEDIATELY.