Happy Days Week 3

Happy Days Week 3
Middle & High School Students
Wednesday, January 22nd
6:30 – 8:30


BOTTOM LINE: Give others the space to feel.

SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:15-16, Matthew 20:29-34

GOAL OF SMALL GROUP: To show students the value in showing up for others and encourage them to find ways to do so with both empathy and compassion.
THINK ABOUT THIS: There’s a very important distinction to make as you lead this week. While we want students to see the value in following Jesus’ lead to show up for others with empathy and compassion, we don’t want to inadvertently ask them to take responsibility for the feelings of others. So, be sure to make that clear for your students as you talk this week. While they can support, pray for, show up, care about, and encourage those in their lives who may be struggling with complicated emotions, it’s not their job to carry the weight of those things on their own. With that, remind your students that if they have someone in their lives who expresses feelings that could be harmful or unhealthy, part of showing up with compassion might be to invite a trusted adult into the situation to get more help and support.

TRY THIS: As a Small Group, brainstorm a code word together this week. Come up with one word or phrase that students can send or say to each other to let the rest of the Group know they need somebody to show up and support them in their feelings. 

Happy Days
iGroups for January 22

Just for fun…
Using the Feeling’s Wheel, ask students to pick a feeling that describes their best friend.   

Ask the group to answer and discuss…
1 Have you ever had someone in your life support you when you needed it? Share what you can about it. 
2 Think back to the video. Of the three responses we talked about today, which would you say you do when faced with other people’s feelings:
    - Avoid?
    - Try to fix it?
    - Offer an unhealthy escape? 
3 What might make it difficult for a middle or high schooler to deal with someone else’s complex emotions? 
4 Read Romans 12:15-16. What do Paul’s words tell you about showing up for others?
5 In your own words…Define “compassion”. Define “empathy”.
6 Read Matthew 20:29-34. What can you learn from Jesus’ example about compassion and empathy?
7 This week, what’s one step you can take to show up for someone else in what they’re feeling?

Bottom Line… God shows up in all feelings. 

Scripture... Romans 12:15-16, Matthew 20:29-34

Memory Verse… “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock."  - Matthew 7:24 NLT

Memory Verse Challenge…
- Find the series memory verse cards in your GZ Magazine 
- Share Memory Verse Cards with friends, family, teachers, etc.
- Quote the memory verse in Stage Left to earn Llama Dollas!!