Happy Days Week 2

Happy Days Week 2
Middle & High School Students
Wednesday, January 15th
6:30 – 8:30


BOTTOM LINE: God shows up in all feelings.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 139:7-12, John 11:33-35

GOAL OF SMALL GROUP: To show students that God is present in all their feelings and to encourage them to find ways to see God in their emotions this week. 
THINK ABOUT THIS: The conversation this week asks students to consider the fact that God is present in all their feelings. For some, this may be an easy concept to take hold of and believe simply because their feelings feel… well, good! It’s easy for any of us to feel God’s nearness when we feel happy. It’s when we don’t that this truth usually gets more challenging to believe. Give students room to express that struggle openly this week should they be feeling it. It’s important that they wrestle this out in their faith for themselves, so avoid any responses that attempt to give a quick fix or solution. Part of growing in faith means thinking critically about their own beliefs and challenges and expressing them in ways designed to help them discover and develop a better understanding of who God really is. Of course, if you have any students who express struggles with deep, potentially harmful feelings, be sure to follow up individually and connect with Matti-Jo for more resources and support.

TRY THIS: Close your Group in prayer this week. Lead students in a short prayer that encourages them to invite God into their feelings and express their emotions to God with honesty and freedom. If students are comfortable, feel free to open the floor to them to add to this prayer before closing together.

Happy Days
iGroups for January 8

Just for fun…

Using the Feeling’s Wheel, ask students to pick a feeling that describes their most embarrassing moment.  

Ask the group to answer and discuss…

1 Do you think there are feelings that bring people closer to God? If so, which ones?
2 Do you think there are feelings that cause people to feel far from God? If so, which ones?
3 Have your own feelings ever caused you to question or feel distanced from God? If you’re comfortable, share what you can.
4 Read Psalm 139:7-12. What is David telling us in these verses? Does this help you understand God’s involvement in your feelings?  
5 Read John 11:33-35. What does Jesus’ response to the death of His friend, Lazarus, teach you about God’s response to your feelings?
6 Do you believe God shows up in all your feelings? Why or why not?
  - What might change for you if you believed that God really did show up in all your feelings?
7 What are a few ways you can practice acknowledging your emotions? 
8 This week, what’s one way you can look for God’s presence in those emotions? Share with your group. 

Bottom Line… God shows up in all feelings. 

Scripture... Psalm 139:7-12, John 11:33-35

Memory Verse… “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  - Matthew 7:24 NLT

Memory Verse Challenge…
- Find the series memory verse cards in your GZ Magazine 
- Share Memory Verse Cards with friends, family, teachers, etc.
- Quote the memory verse in Stage Left to earn Llama Dollas!!