
January iEvent

Markus McFolling

Wednesday, January 29
@ Ground Zero

6:30 - 8:30

Limited Seating!

Markus McFolling grew up in inner-city California regularly facing adversity. He excelled in football to escape his realities and began to play professional football until a career-ending injury took away everything he knew, and his identity destroyed. Facing depression and a lack of purpose, Markus turned to his prescriptions and fell into a dark addiction. After one life-changing moment, Markus checked himself into faith-based rehabilitation and has never been the same. Reach1 stands for Reconciling Every Abandoned Child Home. Every single person has infinite value. It’s all worth it if ONE person is changed forever. Reach1’s mission is to inspire a generation of world-changers to live a life of purpose, power, and destiny. We are passionate about the next generation!

iEvents are high-energy entertainment experiences that teenagers won’t be able to stop talking about. We bring together nationally known bands, artists, performers, athletes and entertainers to create unforgettable experiences that deliver world-class entertainment with a positive message. iEvents will capture teenager’s attention, and will forever change their life!