


Middle & High School Students

Wednesday, May 8th

6:30 – 8:30

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a per-
son who builds a house on solid rock.
Matthew 7:24

From off-brand cereals to knock-off luxury items, we know that anything of value probably has a counterfeit version floating around out there. The same is true for our faith. Maybe copying the behaviors of other believers was a great place to start your faith journey (we all start somewhere), but how can we move beyond copying Christians to actually following Jesus? How do we make our faith our own? The difference between a counterfeit faith and an authentic faith is growth and heart change. And we’ll discover that God can use just about anything to help us grow a faith of our own.

Real faith is about doing, not just knowing.

GZi is a weekly experience where teenagers spend time with friends and mentors, grab dinner in Top Nosh, enjoy a coffee drink from the GZ Coffee Shop, engage in activities, interact with a live DJ, and hear from dynamic communicators about relevant issues they face. GZi is a place where every teenager can Go, Belong and Grow.